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What is the culture house in Reykjavik?

Safnahúsið (the Culture House), formerly Þjóðmenningarhúsið, is an exhibition space in Reykjavík, Iceland, which houses an exhibition, Points of View, drawn from various national museums and other cultural institutions. It has been part of the National Museum of Iceland since 2013.

What kind of houses did the Vikings live in Iceland?

Icelandic turf house, a fireplace was built in the center. The Icelandic turf houses and the viking longhouse were general living buildings in medieval Scandinavian architecture. Countryside buildings were built of wood, and they were similar to log cabins.

What is the oldest house in Iceland?

Which makes the turf house of Keldur the oldest house in Iceland - at least parts of it. The front buildings at Keldur are parallel to the farmyard, which is an old turf house design, which has been used here at Keldur since the middle ages.

What is Reykjavik residence?

Reykjavik Residence offers brand new apartment accommodations in the heart of downtown Reykjavik. These are the perfect choice for the independent traveller seeking a place that is more a home away from home, than a hotel.

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